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The World Philharmonic Orchestra, an ephemeral reunion of some 102 highly accom- plished musicians, each of them representing their country and their orchestra, gave its first concert in december 1985 in Stockholm at the Nobel prize ceremony, as a tri- bute to Alfred Nobel, and gave subsequent concerts in Rio de Janeiro, Tokyo, and Montreal. The musicians are invited one time and one time only to play in this fugacious ensem- ble, and, though the only one of its kind, the World Philarmonic Orchestra takes its ins- piration from the great Toscanini, who liked to direct impromptu orchestras, alleging that musicians will give a better performance when they do not know one another. Through the universal langage of music, this orchestral ensemble delivers a message of peace and fraternity to more than 80 countries in the world. Filmed in Reims in the glorious Saint Remi basilica, and interpreting, under the baton of Yutaka Sado, Anton Dvorak’s Symphony n°9 From the New World, this concert is an audacious and powerful tribute to the highest expression of music, and its power to unify and reconcile countries, cultures and mankind.
Musical Direction : Yutaka Sado
Production compagny : Telmondis
Coproduction compagny : The World Philharmonic Orchestra, France2
Running Time : 59’
Production Year : 2006
Distribution compagny : Telmondis distribution
Video Format : Digibeta 16/9, Digibeta 4/3 Letterbox.